
#宜蘭 #壯圍 #廍後社區 #海景盪鞦韆

海岸盪鞦韆好浪漫,社區民眾將廢棄木與藝術結合賦予新生命,坐在海景鞦韆望著龜山島發呆享受片刻的寧靜。 超火紅的海岸盪鞦韆地點在這裡,見到巷子後路口很小,建議停在路邊之後再走去吧,免得影響當地住戶以及交通。 海岸鞦韆位置就在沙灘的入口處相當明顯,不過如果風浪大就不建議前往了,如果很想吃沙的話.. 還是要叮嚀一下,假日人潮多建議來到廍後社區真的就停路邊吧,塞車在裡面真的很麻煩,光會車就很頭痛,也不要干擾到居民。 狀圍海岸天氣好時可以清晰看見龜山島,雖然當天天氣不好就是了。 壯圍海岸盪鞦韆 263宜蘭縣壯圍鄉廍後路仁愛 新村 50 號 ---- # 宜兰 # 壮 围 # 廍 后 社区 #Seascape swing The swing on the coast is so romantic, the community will give new life to the combination of abandoned wood and art, and sit on the seascape swing and look at Guishan Island in a daze to enjoy a moment of tranquility. The location of the super-red coast swing is here. The intersection is very small after seeing the alley. It is recommended to stop at the roadside before walking, so as not to affect the local residents and traffic. The coast swing position is quite obvious at the entrance of the beach, but it is not recommended if the wind and waves are strong, if you want to eat sand .. I still have to bite a bit. Holiday crowds suggest that when you come to Jihou community, you should really stop at the roadside. Traffic jams inside are really troublesome. You will have a headache when you meet the car and do n’t disturb residents. Guishan Island can be clearly seen when the weather is good on the coast, although the weather is bad that day. Swing on the coast of Zhuangwei No. 50 Ren'ai New Village, Tonghou Road, Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County


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#板橋 #林家花園 #古蹟 #新北市

林家花園(林本源園邸)簡介 林家花園(林本源園邸)位於新北市板橋區西門街,原名林本源園邸,創建於西元1847年是林本源家族北上屯租的地方,在林國華和林國芳兄弟擴建後成為林本源家族居住地,分為園(林家花園)和邸(林家住所)兩部分,總面積約為6054坪,1977年林本源家族將庭園部分捐給新北市政府、1982年林家花園開放參觀,目前園區列入園林類二級古蹟,江南庭園的風格是台灣古式庭園的代表,板橋林家花園是民眾來到台北旅遊不可不去的旅遊景點之一。 林家花園-庭園景觀 板橋林家花園的庭園景觀造於1893年、佔地3815坪,工匠建材多來自大陸,包含汲古書屋、方鑑齋、來青閣、開軒一笑、香玉移、觀稼樓、定靜堂、月波水榭等等多處房舍與人造山水。『汲古書屋』以明代汲古閣命名,是昔日林家子孫讀書的場所,三開間的建築十分簡潔大方,雨亭的造型更具精緻;『來青閣』位於方鑑齋旁,又稱繡樓、梳粧樓,是貴賓下榻的場所,楠木和樺木的木造建築十分精雕細琢,閣前的劇堂是戲班子表演的場地;『香玉簃』由迴廊轉折擴大而成,樓前有一座花園是當時主人邀請賓客賞花之地。 『觀稼樓』屬於林家花園較早期的建築,以觀碌樓為中心、迴廊環繞,峰迴路轉的格局讓人擁有別有洞天之感,牆上的石榴、南瓜、仙桃、柿子的圖案漏窗具有福、祿、壽、喜之意;『定靜堂』是林家花園佔地最大的建築,四合院的格局前後進以亭相連,不設門窗的走廊面向天井,是當時宴會的場所,兩側圍牆的八角花磚上更有蝴蝶和蝙蝠漏窗,擁有賜福之意;『月波水榭』是賞月的好去處,雙菱形且建於水邊的建築與小橋相連,月色倒映在水中是最迷人的景色;『榕蔭大池』是林家花園最大的水域,不規則的水池形狀,岸邊有幾棵老榕樹、碼頭和涼亭。 林家花園-三落大厝 林本源園邸起初有弼益館、舊大厝、新大厝、白花廳和花園,其中弼益館預計有新的規畫用地,新大厝和白花廳已成為林園大廈,目前依然存在的是舊大厝即三落大厝,由屋子正面往裡面算共有三排房子,當時林維源身為太僕寺卿和侍郎,因此三落大厝又可稱為「光祿第」,顯示林家當時的豐功偉業;三落大厝紅磚、窗格的裝飾也是特色所在,屋沿的飛燕更凸顯了當時林家的社會地位,但目前三落大厝仍屬於林氏祭祀同業公會,因此需專人帶領才能參觀導覽。 ★林本源園邸包含林家宅邸及花園兩區,林家宅邸仍為私人產業,需由導覽人員帶領才能進入參觀,如欲前往請務必至服務台領取免費定時導覽卷。 -------- Introduction of Linjia Garden (Linbenyuan Garden) The Lin Family Garden (Lin Yuanyuan Garden) is located in Ximen Street, Banqiao District, New Taipei City. The original name is the Lin Yuanyuan Garden. It was established in 1847 as a place rented by the North Lin family of the Lin Benyuan family. After the expansion of the Lin Guohua and Lin Guofang brothers, it became the Lin Yuanyuan family residence. It is divided into two parts, the garden (Linjia Garden) and the residence (Linjia Residence), with a total area of ​​about 6054 pings. The Lin Yuanyuan family donated part of the garden to the New Taipei City Government in 1977. The Linjia Garden was opened for visit in 1982. The park is currently included in the garden Class II monuments, the style of the Jiangnan Garden is representative of Taiwan's ancient gardens, and the Banqiao Linjia Garden is one of the tourist attractions that people must visit when visiting Taipei. Lin Jia Garden-Garden View The garden landscape of Banqiao Linjia Garden was built in 1893 and covers an area of ​​3,815 pyongs. Most of the craftsmen's building materials come from the mainland, including Jigu Book House, Fang Jianzhai, Lai Qing Pavilion, Kai Xuan Yi Xiao, Xiang Yu Yi, Guan Jia Lou, Dingjing Hall, Yuebo Water houses and many other houses and artificial landscapes. "Jigu Book House" is named after the Jigu Pavilion in the Ming Dynasty. It was a place where children of the Lin family read in the past. The architecture of the Sankai Room is very simple and elegant, and the shape of the rain pavilion is more refined. It is a place for VIPs to stay. The wooden buildings of nanmu and birch are very elaborate. The theater in front of the pavilion is the venue for the performance of the theater team. "Xianyuyu" was expanded from the corridor, and there is a garden in front of the building. The host invited guests to enjoy the flowers. "Guanjialou" belongs to the earlier buildings of Linjia Garden. It is centered on Guanlulou and surrounded by corridors. The pattern of peaks and loops makes people have a unique sense of holes and holes. The pattern of pomegranate, pumpkin, fairy peach, and persimmon on the wall has Fu and Lu. "Dingjing Hall" is the largest building in the Lin Family Garden. The courtyard courtyard is connected by pavilions, and the corridor without doors and windows faces the patio. It was a place for banquets at the time. There are also butterflies and bats leaking windows, which have the meaning of blessing; "Moon wave water pavilion" is a good place to admire the moon. The double diamond-shaped building built on the waterside is connected to the small bridge, and the moonlight reflected in the water is the most charming scenery; " "Rongyin Big Pond" is the largest water area of ​​Linjia Garden. It has an irregular pool shape and there are several old banyan trees, pier and gazebo on the shore. Linjia Garden-Sanluo Datuo Lin Benyuan Garden originally had the Yiyi Pavilion, the Old Grand Pavilion, the New Grand Pavilion, the Baihua Hall and the Garden. Among them, the Yiyi Pavilion is expected to have new planning land. The new Grand Pavilion and Baihua Hall have become the Linyuan Building, and they still exist today. The old dwelling is Sanluo dwelling. There are three rows of houses from the front of the house. At the time, Lin Weiyuan was a Taipu Temple prince and a waiter. Therefore, Sanluo dwelling can also be called "Guangludi", showing the Lin family The great achievements of the time; the decoration of the red bricks and panes of the Sanluo Daizhu also featured the Feiyan along the roof, which further highlighted the social status of the Lin family at the time. Only guided tours are available. ★ Lin Benyuan Garden includes Lin Family House and Garden. Lin Family House is still a private property. It needs to be guided by a guide to enter the tour. If you want to go, please go to the service desk to receive a free timed guide.


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#抓蝴蝶 #堤防 #日記

💥支持阿勇阿花日常頻道 :一鍵訂閱: https://pse.is/QPDJH ----------

蝴蝶是一類常於日間飛行的昆蟲,生物分類學中是指鱗翅目中名為鳳蝶總科(學名:Papilionoidea)的一個總科級演化支,又名真蝶總科。下級分類中,共有7個科,包含了大約18,800種 。如同其他昆蟲,蝴蝶也屬於節肢動物,體表具有分節的外骨骼,成蟲身體也分為頭、胸、腹三個部份,胸部長有兩對翅膀,翅膀上各式各樣的色彩和斑紋是由翅膀上的鱗片組成。蝴蝶是完全變態昆蟲,其一生包括卵、幼蟲、蛹與成蟲四個階段。世上體型最大的蝴蝶為亞歷山大鳥翼鳳蝶,展翅寬達280毫米,體型最小的蝴蝶是褐小灰蝶,只有16毫米 ---------- Butterflies are a class of insects that often fly during the day. In taxonomy, they refer to a general branch of the Lepidoptera family named Papilionoidea (scientific name: Papilionoidea). There are 7 families in the lower classification, which contains about 18,800 species. Like other insects, butterflies also belong to arthropods. The body surface has segmented exoskeleton. The adult body is also divided into three parts: head, chest, and abdomen. The chest has two pairs of wings. The wings have various colors and stripes. It is composed of scales on wings. Butterflies are fully metamorphic insects, and their life includes four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. The largest butterfly in the world is Alexander Birdwing, with wingspan spreading up to 280 mm. The smallest butterfly is the brown brown butterfly, only 16 mm. ---------- 抓蝴蝶意思,抓蝴蝶幾隻,嚮往的生活遊戲,捉蝴蝶破解,向往的生活遊戲,蝴蝶遊戲,開關遊戲,嚮往的生活3遊戲,嚮往的生活黑魔法,數馬遊戲規則 The meaning of catching butterflies, catching a few butterflies, longing for life games, catching butterfly cracking, longing for life games, butterfly games, switching games, longing for life 3 games, longing for black magic, counting horse game


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#忍笑大挑戰 #挑戰 #第二集 #爆笑 忍笑大挑戰 第二集|Big challenge YouTuber最愛玩的遊戲,讓你親自來挑戰! 精選各種難度的網路經典搞笑影片合輯, 人臉微笑偵測功能自動判定你是否爆笑出局! 隨時開始挑戰,你能看完影片忍笑到最後嗎? ———- YouTuber's favorite game, let you challenge yourself! A collection of funny classic online videos of various difficulties. Face smile detection automatically determines if you are out laughing! Start the challenge at any time. Can you laugh at the end after watching the video? ---------------- 忍笑大挑戰app,忍笑大挑戰困難,忍笑大挑戰三度,忍笑大作戰,忍笑大挑戰5,忍笑大挑戰墨鏡哥,三度忍笑大挑戰13,三度忍笑大挑戰20,三度忍笑大挑戰17,三度忍笑大挑戰12,Smile Tolerance Challenge App, Smile Tolerance Challenge Difficulty, Smile Tolerance Challenge Third Degree, Smile Tolerance Battle, Smile Tolerance Challenge 5 Challenge 20, Third Degree Tolerance Challenge 17, Third Degree Tolerance Challenge 12


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#養狗 #常見問題 #實用 #知識


養 狗 知 識 匯 總(新 手 必 看) 1-6周幼犬需注意事項. 飼餵與離乳: 正常情況下,一窩幼犬由母犬哺乳到3-5周齡,3周齡後,可用碟子盛一些牛乳或母乳讓幼犬學習自碟中舔食以補充營養,如此可避免營養不足發育受阻,減少母犬負擔。 自母犬離乳: 幼犬快滿三周齡時,可開始給予教槽食料,商品化教槽料依說明使用。也可自行配製,其方法為牛奶添加嬰兒用穀類食品混合後置於碟子,將幼犬帶到碟子,以手指沾一些放入幼犬口中,一天兩次,以後幼犬即會自行進食。給予教槽料時,有些情況下,須將母犬帶開,以免母犬干擾幼犬進食。當幼犬習慣自碟子採食後,可逐漸增加飼餵量以及增加到一天三或四次,此後可給予肉類食品。若給予鮮肉(因肉類缺乏鈣質)需添加一些骨粉,以維持營養平衡。 幼犬剛出生時聽不見也看不著。10-14天後才睜開眼睛,開始熟悉周圍的環境。從那以後,就沒有安寧的時候了。3周後幼犬開始長乳牙,也長出了新指甲。4周後的幼犬開始變得愛動了,只要他們醒著,就總想離開產床。如果是犬場的話,這時該把他們從產床轉移到犬舍中飼養了。這些小傢伙還不能在較硬的地面上行走,時間長了會傷害他們的肌腱和關節。最好找一個好天,帶他們到草地上玩一玩,主人應該給他們找一些玩具,這樣對他們將來的撲咬訓練是一個啟蒙教育。 ———- 23 common questions and answers for dog breeding (very practical) General knowledge of dog breeding (must-see for newbies) 1-6 weeks puppies need attention. Feeding and weaning: Under normal circumstances, a litter of puppies is breast-fed to 3-5 weeks of age. After 3 weeks of age, a plate can be used to hold some milk or breast milk for the puppies to learn to lick from the plate to supplement their nutrition. Obstructed, reducing the burden on bitches. Weaning from bitches: When the puppies are almost three weeks old, they can begin to teach feeding materials, and commercial feeding materials should be used according to the instructions. It can also be prepared by itself. The method is as follows: milk is added to the baby and mixed with cereals, then placed on a dish, the puppy is brought to the dish, and some of it is put into the puppy's mouth with fingers, twice a day, and the puppy will eat by itself. When feeding doggery, in some cases, the bitch must be taken away to prevent the bitch from interfering with the puppies. When puppies are used to eating from a dish, the feeding amount can be gradually increased to three or four times a day, and then meat can be given. If given fresh meat (due to the lack of calcium in the meat), some bone meal should be added to maintain nutritional balance. The puppies were inaudible and invisible when they were born. After 10-14 days, he opened his eyes and became familiar with his surroundings. Since then, there has been no peace. After 3 weeks, the puppies started to have baby teeth and new nails. After 4 weeks, the puppies started to become affectionate, as long as they were awake, they always wanted to leave the delivery bed. If it's a dog farm, it's time to move them from the delivery bed to the kennel. These little guys haven't been able to walk on harder ground, and over time they can hurt their tendons and joints. It is better to find a good day and take them to play on the grass. The owner should find them some toys. This will be an enlightenment education for their future bite training.


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