很多寵物主人,都把自己視為寵物們的粑粑麻麻,對待自己的寵物就如同對待自己的孩子一樣。和小孩子一樣,雖然你愛他們,但是並不意味著你了解他們。經常有家長會吃驚於孩子嘴巴裡面冒出來的新詞彙,以及有時候做出的奇特舉動。作為狗狗家長,可能情況會好一點,你可以通過狗狗的肢體語言,來學會了解它們。以下12種狗狗的行為,是在想你傳遞些什麼信息呢? 1.持續的眼神接觸。 你家的狗狗正看著你呢,它用的是什麼表情呢?如果她是正常表情,那麼當它盯著你的眼睛看,這就是一種感情的交流方式。日本有研究人員發現,這種眼神交流可以增加一種影響生育的一種荷爾蒙。 2.帶東西給你 你可能覺得它只是帶來東西想讓你一起玩,特別是當它帶來玩具的時候。其實狗狗很有能是帶來禮物給你哦,出於狗狗的狩獵本能,它會把它覺得好吃的或者好玩的東西帶來給你。 3.抬起一隻爪子 當你的狗狗抬起一隻爪子,壓低頭部,並專注的看望某處,那麼,就意味著它要出發狩獵啦~ 它可能會撲向某個小動物,比如鳥類。 4.弓起,縮小身子 當你的狗狗弓起身子,縮成一小團,通常是它害怕了。 5.啃咬家具 這取決於你的狗狗是否有經過訓練或者是否有分離焦慮症。如果狗狗從小就有受過訓練,並且也沒有分離焦慮症,那就不會啃咬家具哦。 6.坐在你的腳上 狗狗這麼做有很多可能的原因。如果你的狗有很強的支配慾,它會通過這種行為來表達。如果她有分離焦慮,這是一種常見的方式試圖接近你。如果你的狗妒忌心很強,這可能向其他人類或者動物宣稱,這是我的! 當然也有可能,它只是單純的覺得這麼坐著很舒服。 7.打哈欠 狗狗打哈欠不僅僅表示它們累了。當它們要排解壓力或者恐懼感的時候,也會打哈欠。如果它們對著某個人哈欠連連,那麼很有可能它不想見到這個人。 8.輕鬆的打哈欠 有意思的是,當狗狗和你在一起,覺得非常舒服的時候,你打哈欠,它也會跟著一起打哈欠。不過如果是一隻你不認識的狗對你打哈欠,那就不太妙啦。 9.靠在你身上 這是狗狗表達對你的愛,它渴望得到你的愛和關注,靠在你身上讓它非常有安全感。 10.吐舌頭 當狗狗伸出舌頭,又快速縮回的話,那通常表示它不太舒服,比如看到讓它不開心的人或者讓它不安的事情。 11.戀上你的床 戀上你的床不是因為這個床多舒服,而是因為那是你的床。到底要不要讓狗狗睡呢?除非你有過敏,不然的話連獸醫都找不到這樣做的壞處。 12.平靜的看著你離開 很多狗主人離開家的時候,會覺得很內疚,留下狗狗獨自在家,那麼當狗狗平靜看你離開的時候,你心裡會覺得好受很多。如果狗狗有分離焦慮症,那麼就會啃咬家具,吼叫,隨地大小便。 ------ Many pet owners regard themselves as ramie of pets, and treat their pets like their own children. Like children, although you love them, it doesn't mean you know them. Parents are often surprised by the new words that come out of their children's mouths and the strange actions they sometimes make. As a dog's parent, the situation may be better. You can learn to understand the dog's body language. The following 12 kinds of dog behavior, what message do you want to convey? 1. Continuous eye contact. Your dog is looking at you. What expression does it use? If she has a normal expression, then when it looks into your eyes, this is a way of emotional communication. Researchers in Japan have found that this eye contact can increase a hormone that affects fertility. 2. bring you something You may think that it just brings things that you want to play with, especially when it brings toys. In fact, dogs are very likely to bring gifts to you. Because of the dog's hunting instinct, it will bring you things that are delicious or fun. 3. Raise a paw When your dog raises a paw, lowers its head, and focuses on looking somewhere, then it means that it is going to hunt ~ It may pounce on a small animal, such as a bird. 4. Bow up and shrink When your dog bows up and shrinks into a small group, usually it is afraid. 5. Biting furniture It depends on whether your dog is trained or has separation anxiety. If dogs have been trained since childhood and have no separation anxiety, then they will not bite furniture. 6. Sit on your feet There are many possible reasons why dogs do this. If your dog has a strong desire to dominate, it will express this behavior. If she has separation anxiety, this is a common way to try to approach you. If your dog is jealous, this may claim to other humans or animals that this is mine! Of course, it is also possible, it just feels very comfortable to sit like this. 7. Yawn Dog yawning doesn't just mean they are tired. They also yawn when they need to relieve stress or fear. If they yawn at someone, then chances are it doesn't want to see that person. 8. Easy yawning Interestingly, when your dog is with you and feels very comfortable, you yawn and it will yawn along with it. But if a dog you don't know yawns at you, it's not great. 9. lean on you This is the dog expressing its love for you. It is eager to get your love and attention. Leaning on you makes it very secure. 10. Tongue out When a dog sticks out its tongue and retracts quickly, it usually means that it is not comfortable, such as seeing someone who is unhappy or disturbing. 11. Fall in love with your bed Fall in love with your bed not because it is comfortable, but because it is yours. Should we let the dog sleep? Unless you have an allergy, even a veterinarian won't find the harm in doing so. 12. Watching you leave calmly Many dog owners feel guilty when leaving home, leaving the dog alone at home, so when the dog calmly watches you leave, you will feel a lot better. If a dog has separation anxiety, it will bite furniture, growl, and urinate.