

#毛小孩 #狗狗 #玩遊戲 #訓練 如何正確的和狗狗玩遊戲?How to play games with dogs correctly ---- 以下要介紹的這幾種小遊戲可以讓狗狗運動兼動腦,更能增進與主人的感情,這些遊戲其實也是服從訓練的一部分,無形中讓狗兒更聽話。當狗狗成功做到指令時,可以用零食或口頭稱讚來獎賞牠。但訓練總是需要耐心的,牠也許不能那麼快就進入狀況。另外,記得與每個家人都說好一個統一的訓練規則,以免狗兒對不同人的指令產生混淆。 【 七個最適合跟狗狗玩的小遊戲 】 ►猜杯子 這有點像是猜杯子遊戲:遊戲的主要目的是要讓毛小孩找出藏在物品裡的零食。先從簡單的開始,三或四個小紙箱或杯子倒反放,把零食藏在其中一個裡面,當狗狗找到了,打開杯子,讓牠得到零食作獎賞,如果你家狗兒總是找不到,可以加熱一些小塊的肉給牠當獎勵,小肉塊比飼料更有味道,讓牠能更容易找到。 可以再加碼,把杯子換成其他不同形狀、尺寸的物品;或是把放在裡面的零食調整內容或數量,當狗狗成功找到目標時會覺得很有成就感。 ►你丟我撿 這項比起前兩項來說挑戰性比較高,可以從簡單的:「丟-撿回來!」開始,然後訓練狗狗撿到球後「待在那!」一會,再讓牠回到你面前時,鬆開口,把球放在你腳邊,乖乖坐下等下一回丟球。如果牠做到了,可以輕輕地把球踢往牠的方向,並給牠一個指示,像:「走吧」、「去撿」,讓牠得到指令開心地去追球;如果牠還搞不太清楚狀況,暫時忽略牠幾分鐘,直到牠懂得:撿回來後應該要乖乖地原地等,才能得到獎賞。 如果進行到這階段都沒問題,可以試著把球丟遠一點,讓狗狗在得到去撿的指令前先乖乖等待。反覆訓練到無論丟多遠狗狗都能撿得回來,或讓牠能上牽繩帶領你找到那顆球。 ►尋寶遊戲 主人跟狗兒能一起玩的最有趣的遊戲之一就是尋寶遊戲,這個遊戲跟你丟我撿有點像,但狗狗無法先看到球跑去哪裡。讓狗狗先在原地等著,自己先帶著玩具球或零食走開。同樣的,如果狗狗還不太進入狀況想跟著你走,重複「在這裡等!」的指令並忽略牠,直到牠懂得指令的意思—主人要牠先在原地等著。 一開始先走開幾公尺就好,放下球後告訴狗兒:可以開始找了!,當狗狗找到時大力稱讚牠,幾次之後增加難度---藏到更難找到的地方,讓狗狗應用牠的靈敏嗅覺找到目標。每次牠成功找到時都該適時給予牠獎勵或讚美,如果還想增加難度,可以在牠沒注意到的時候偷偷弄掉目標物並藏在其他地方,或多藏一些讓牠慢慢找。 ►障礙賽挑戰 障礙賽不僅好玩,還可以根據自家狗狗的年齡跟能力量身訂做,也是個再利用自家廢棄物的好機會。從較低難度開始,把狗狗能輕鬆跳過、跳上的箱子當障礙物,可以依據狗狗的能力調整難度,把障礙物增高、增多,讓狗狗玩起來覺得欲罷不能。甚至可以DIY:把不用的水管等物品做成障礙物,或利用椅子、較矮的茶几,只要夠穩就可以拿來用,而且,椅子只要高度夠,也可以讓狗狗玩鑽地洞呢! 可以兩端打開的箱子就成了一個自製隧道,或可以在兒童玩具店買折疊式玩具隧道,塑膠水管、木棍等,都是便宜、可以拿來做擺杆(weave pole)的材料。一開始可以先把擺桿間距設得夠寬,再慢慢調窄間距來訓練狗狗的敏捷度。漸漸地,狗兒動作會更敏捷,這時就可以再更上一層樓了。如果你家狗狗看起來很愛這個遊戲,可以考慮報名狗狗敏捷訓練的專業課程,讓牠能保持身心健康。 ►自己的玩具自己收 這遊戲的目的是在讓牠玩樂的同時,教育狗狗收好自己的玩具,訓練目標是:主人對著玩具箱拍幾下,狗兒就懂得要自己咬起玩具放回去,這當然對大多數狗狗來說不是件容易的事,所以需要幾項加強訓練的技巧。 當狗狗拿到玩具,等牠視線自然地看向玩具箱時,在箱上拍幾下並稱讚牠,持續幾次後牠會了解「原來這樣做主人就會稱讚我,那我要常常這樣!」往後幾次的訓練引導牠漸漸靠近玩具箱,直到牠會將玩具帶到箱旁。接下來,最難的部分就是如何讓牠學會自己把玩具放進箱子裡,這很需要耐心。重複「做得對就給予稱讚」的方式慢慢地引導牠,狗狗很快就能學會自動自發收拾玩具了。 ►泡泡! 吹泡泡是最適合夏天的小遊戲,只要買一小罐泡泡水,(最好是買原料對狗狗無害的那種),出發去公園然後開始吹泡泡吧!。狗狗會很開心地邊追邊咬四散的泡泡,不僅達到充分運動的效果,主人看了也開心。 ►捉迷藏 這是最簡單的小遊戲之一。主人跑去躲在家裡的某個角落,然後呼喚狗兒,當牠成功找到你時,當然也要多多給牠獎賞囉。與其他遊戲一樣,從簡單模式開始,先躲到容易被找到的地方,然後慢慢增加難度,例如:放輕腳步,並躲得更加隱密;當然,幫你家狗狗計時花多久才能找到你,也是一種樂趣! ------ The following kinds of mini-games to be introduced can make the dogs exercise and use their brains, and can further enhance the relationship with the owner. These games are actually part of obedience training, which makes the dogs more obedient. When a dog succeeds in giving instructions, it can be rewarded with snacks or verbal compliments. But training always requires patience, and it may not get into the situation so quickly. In addition, remember to talk to each family about a unified training rule to prevent dogs from confusing instructions from different people. [Seven best games to play with dogs] ►Guess the cup It's a bit like a cup guessing game: The main purpose of the game is to let the hairy kid find the snacks hidden in the items. Start simple, put three or four small cartons or cups upside down and hide the snack in one of them. When the dog finds it, open the cup and let it get the snack as a reward. If your dog always finds No, you can heat some small pieces of meat to give it a reward. Small pieces of meat are more flavorful than feed, making it easier to find. You can add extra size and change the cup to other items of different shapes and sizes; or you can adjust the content or quantity of the snacks in it. When the dog successfully finds the goal, it will feel very fulfilled. ►You throw me away This is more challenging than the first two. You can start with simple: "throw-pick it up!", And then train the dog to "stay there!" After picking up the ball, and then let it go back When you are in front of you, loosen up, put the ball at your feet, sit down obediently and wait for the next time to lose the ball. If it does, you can gently kick the ball in its direction and give it an instruction, like: "Go", "Go pick", and let it get instructions to happily chase the ball; if it still ca n’t Too clear about the situation, temporarily ignore it for a few minutes, until it understands: After picking it up, you should wait obediently to get the reward. If it's okay at this stage, you can try to throw the ball a little farther, so that the dog waits before getting the instruction to pick it up. Repeatedly train your dog to pick it up no matter how far it is thrown, or let it lead you to the ball. ►Treasure Hunt One of the most interesting games that the owner and the dog can play together is a treasure hunt. This game is a bit like throwing me away, but the dog can't see where the ball goes first. Have the dogs wait in situ first and walk away with a toy ball or snack on their own. Similarly, if the dog is not quite in the situation and wants to follow you, repeat the "wait here!" Command and ignore it until it understands the meaning of the command-the owner wants it to wait in place first. ► Obstacle Challenge ►Own your own toys ► Bubbles! ► Hide and Seek


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