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<p><span class="style-scope yt-formatted-string" dir="auto">狗狗單獨在家叫不停? 三分鐘看懂狗狗分離焦慮 在家有隻小狗陪伴你總是很幸福的事,但是一旦你要出門,狗狗就變成你最大的噩夢嗎?狗狗只要單獨在家,就會哭個不停,甚至不停地吠叫,不僅只是無法放心出門,也會擔心吵到鄰居。這個狗狗自己在家處於恐懼焦慮狀態的現象,對於狗狗和你而言都是很痛苦的經驗,我們稱它為狗狗的分離焦慮。 這個詞對於有撫養過孩子的家長,可能有點熟悉,人類的小孩在四歲以前,也常常會出現分離焦慮的傾向或行為,當爸媽要離開孩子時,孩子會因為感到不安而開始哭鬧,狗狗就跟我們的孩子一樣,會因為你的離開而感到不安。 分離焦慮可能造成什麼問題? 當狗狗自己在家的時候,處於分離焦慮的狗狗,容易出現以下幾種行為: 持續性的吠叫、哭哭 破壞家具(啃咬沙發、桌腳、椅子腳) 抓門 試圖用各種方法逃離房間或被困住的空間 不停地來回踱步 用力喘氣 有些嚴重分離焦慮狗狗會出現傷害自己的行為 不過這邊要特別注意的是,並不是出現以上行為就一定是分離焦慮,像是狗狗自己在家破壞家具也有可能狗狗只是單純的很無聊,找樂子來玩而已。建議如果覺得狗狗可能有分離焦慮的傾向,可以尋求專業的訓練師諮詢,找出狗狗行為背後的原因,進而提供最適合你家狗狗的解決方法。 為什麼狗狗會有分離焦慮呢? 狗狗尤其是幼犬,多少都會有一點分離焦慮,就像是人類的小孩一樣,長期和爸爸媽媽在一起,會需要時間去學習和自己相處,認知自己並非是被遺棄以及學會信任爸爸媽媽最後都會回到自己身邊。這些反應都很正常,不過依照不同的品種、狗爸媽的個性遺傳、以及狗狗的生長環境都會影響狗狗的個性(link),都會影響狗狗產生分離焦慮的程度。 但除此之外,也有一些外在因素會造成狗狗分離焦慮的行為出現,以下提供幾個可能的因素: 和狗狗很好的另一隻狗或主人過世或離開 曾經被棄養過 長期在收容所裡沒有受到好的對待的狗狗 突然改變家庭結構 (像是新養了一隻狗或多了一個小孩、搬新家等等) 突然改變生活節奏 (像是工作時間的改變﹐造成狗狗的吃飯和散布時間的改變等等) 身體不適 建議如果是突然出現分離焦慮又找不到具體原因,可以尋求專業的獸醫檢查狗狗的身體健康。有分離焦慮情形的狗狗也有分成不同程度的焦慮程度,有些有輕微分離焦慮的狗狗可能只是會偶而哭哭,但也有些會嚴重到傷害自己也影響到整個家庭的生活品質。 若發現家中的狗狗有分離焦慮的傾向,可以採取一些減緩狗狗分離焦慮的方法(延伸閱讀:狗狗自己在家哭天喊地,減緩分離焦慮的6個實用方法)。不過假設狗狗的情形很嚴重的話,建議尋求專業的訓練師為狗狗量身制定一套可以舒適在家休息的計畫。 -------- Dogs barking alone at home? Three minutes to understand dog separation anxiety It's always a happy thing to have a puppy with you at home, but once you go out, will the dog become your biggest nightmare? As long as the dog is at home alone, he will cry and even bark. He will not only be worried about going out, but also worry about getting into the neighborhood. This dog is in a state of fear and anxiety at home, which is a very painful experience for the dog and you. We call it dog's separation anxiety. This term may be familiar to parents who have raised children. Human children often have a tendency or behavior to separate and anxious before the age of four. When parents want to leave the child, the child will start crying because of feeling uneasy. Dogs, like our children, will feel uneasy because of your departure. What problems can separation anxiety cause? When a dog is at home, a dog that is in anxiety is prone to the following behaviors: Continuous barking, crying Destroy furniture (bite sofa, table legs, chair legs) Grab the door Try to escape the room or the trapped space in various ways Keep pace back and forth Gasping hard Some severely separated anxiety dogs can exhibit behaviors that hurt themselves However, it is important to note here that the above behavior does not necessarily mean separation anxiety. For example, if the dog destroys the furniture at home, the dog may simply be boring and just have fun. It is suggested that if you think that the dog may have a tendency to separate anxiety, you can seek professional trainer consultation to find out the reasons behind the dog's behavior, and then provide the most suitable solution for your dog. Why do dogs have separation anxiety? Dogs, especially puppies, have a little bit of separation and anxiety, just like human children. For a long time with parents, they will need time to learn to get along with themselves, know that they are not abandoned and learn to trust their parents. Will return to themselves. These reactions are normal, but according to the different breeds, the personality inheritance of the dog's parents, and the growth environment of the dog will affect the dog's personality (link), will affect the degree of separation anxiety. But in addition, there are some external factors that can cause dogs' separation and anxiety behaviors. Here are some possible factors: Good dog and another dog or owner died or left Once abandoned Dogs that haven't been treated well in shelters for a long time Sudden changes in family structure (like a new dog or child, moving to a new home, etc.) Sudden changes in the pace of life (such as changes in working hours, changes in the dog's eating and distribution time, etc.) Unwell It is recommended that if there is a sudden occurrence of separation anxiety and no specific cause can be found, you can seek a professional veterinarian to check the dog's health. Dogs with separation anxiety are also divided into different levels of anxiety. Some dogs with slight separation anxiety may just cry occasionally, but some may be serious enough to hurt themselves and affect the quality of life of the entire family.</span></p>
- Feb 27 Thu 2020 20:02
狗狗單獨在家叫不停? 三分鐘看懂狗狗分離焦慮