#宜蘭 #壯圍 #廍後社區 #海景盪鞦韆
海岸盪鞦韆好浪漫,社區民眾將廢棄木與藝術結合賦予新生命,坐在海景鞦韆望著龜山島發呆享受片刻的寧靜。 超火紅的海岸盪鞦韆地點在這裡,見到巷子後路口很小,建議停在路邊之後再走去吧,免得影響當地住戶以及交通。 海岸鞦韆位置就在沙灘的入口處相當明顯,不過如果風浪大就不建議前往了,如果很想吃沙的話.. 還是要叮嚀一下,假日人潮多建議來到廍後社區真的就停路邊吧,塞車在裡面真的很麻煩,光會車就很頭痛,也不要干擾到居民。 狀圍海岸天氣好時可以清晰看見龜山島,雖然當天天氣不好就是了。 壯圍海岸盪鞦韆 263宜蘭縣壯圍鄉廍後路仁愛 新村 50 號 ---- # 宜兰 # 壮 围 # 廍 后 社区 #Seascape swing The swing on the coast is so romantic, the community will give new life to the combination of abandoned wood and art, and sit on the seascape swing and look at Guishan Island in a daze to enjoy a moment of tranquility. The location of the super-red coast swing is here. The intersection is very small after seeing the alley. It is recommended to stop at the roadside before walking, so as not to affect the local residents and traffic. The coast swing position is quite obvious at the entrance of the beach, but it is not recommended if the wind and waves are strong, if you want to eat sand .. I still have to bite a bit. Holiday crowds suggest that when you come to Jihou community, you should really stop at the roadside. Traffic jams inside are really troublesome. You will have a headache when you meet the car and do n’t disturb residents. Guishan Island can be clearly seen when the weather is good on the coast, although the weather is bad that day. Swing on the coast of Zhuangwei No. 50 Ren'ai New Village, Tonghou Road, Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County