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蝴蝶是一類常於日間飛行的昆蟲,生物分類學中是指鱗翅目中名為鳳蝶總科(學名:Papilionoidea)的一個總科級演化支,又名真蝶總科。下級分類中,共有7個科,包含了大約18,800種 。如同其他昆蟲,蝴蝶也屬於節肢動物,體表具有分節的外骨骼,成蟲身體也分為頭、胸、腹三個部份,胸部長有兩對翅膀,翅膀上各式各樣的色彩和斑紋是由翅膀上的鱗片組成。蝴蝶是完全變態昆蟲,其一生包括卵、幼蟲、蛹與成蟲四個階段。世上體型最大的蝴蝶為亞歷山大鳥翼鳳蝶,展翅寬達280毫米,體型最小的蝴蝶是褐小灰蝶,只有16毫米 ---------- Butterflies are a class of insects that often fly during the day. In taxonomy, they refer to a general branch of the Lepidoptera family named Papilionoidea (scientific name: Papilionoidea). There are 7 families in the lower classification, which contains about 18,800 species. Like other insects, butterflies also belong to arthropods. The body surface has segmented exoskeleton. The adult body is also divided into three parts: head, chest, and abdomen. The chest has two pairs of wings. The wings have various colors and stripes. It is composed of scales on wings. Butterflies are fully metamorphic insects, and their life includes four stages: eggs, larvae, pupae and adults. The largest butterfly in the world is Alexander Birdwing, with wingspan spreading up to 280 mm. The smallest butterfly is the brown brown butterfly, only 16 mm. ---------- 抓蝴蝶意思,抓蝴蝶幾隻,嚮往的生活遊戲,捉蝴蝶破解,向往的生活遊戲,蝴蝶遊戲,開關遊戲,嚮往的生活3遊戲,嚮往的生活黑魔法,數馬遊戲規則 The meaning of catching butterflies, catching a few butterflies, longing for life games, catching butterfly cracking, longing for life games, butterfly games, switching games, longing for life 3 games, longing for black magic, counting horse game