#行銷 #電話開發 #業務行銷技巧


銷售產品,除了訓練溝通、提問等技巧,也可以善用心理學的知識,藉由特殊的舉動或暗示,促使用戶消費。 對此,商務分析網站《Richtopia》的創辦人兼執行長Derin Cag整理了4項善用心理學技巧以提升業務銷售量的例子,讓讀者更了解心理學的奧妙及銷售技巧。 一、用真實數字,加強可信度 以下是兩個網路文章的標題,請猜猜看:哪個文章的點擊量會比較高? (1) 減肥訣竅分享!30天內瘦5公斤的秘密! (2) 減肥訣竅分享!31天內瘦5公斤的秘密! 理性分析,一般人都會猜測第一個標題的點擊量比較高,因為標題的「30天」天數較少,顯得減肥技巧的成效較好。但是,實際成果顯示,第二篇貼文的點擊量較高,因為用戶認為第二個標題的「31天」感覺比較真實,值得相信。 分析研究結果,我們可以得知:設計廣告文案或文章標題時,「具體且具有真實性」的數字,會比概略性的數字吸引用戶,是業務員與客戶報告或簡報時,值得注意的面向之一。 二、「吃一點虧」讓對方更願意付出 所謂「有捨才有得」,希望從客戶那裡得到好處與幫助,業務員就要先有所付出;關心顧客、觀察對方的需求,並給予他們需要的幫助。當客戶感受到業務員的用心,就會直覺認為自己「欠了對方」,並願意在能力範圍內回饋業務員。而業務員照顧客戶,也能替自己營造良好的形象,建立良好的口碑。 Derin Cag特別強調:付出時,不要一心期待客戶的回報;卻也不要當一個「濫好人」。多數客戶感受到業務員的用心,就會願意回饋;但不是「所有人」都願意替他人付出。若是客戶不為所動,業務員千萬不要一個勁的付出,要確實衡量自己能力的界線。 三、用「開頭與結果」激發好奇心 業務員與客戶分享過去協助其他客戶的案例或相關故事時,可以先說事件的「開頭和結果」,增加客戶的興趣及好奇心;再進一步解釋中間的過程。 用「開頭」先介紹事件背景,再直接簡述事件的「結尾」;可以激發談話對象的好奇心;對「過程」充滿興趣。反之,若業務員只是平鋪直敘的描述一個事件;客戶可能在描述過程中就失去興趣或專注力,導致溝通成效降低。 四、用「情境式論述」增加感染力 業務員與客戶強調產品或服務等相關成效時,可以試著用「情境式論述」的方式,套用情境來解釋、呈現最終結果,加強顧客的感受及認同感。 舉例而言,若某個產品可以替客戶提升工作的時間效率,業務員除了強調「時間很寶貴,需要好好珍惜」這類抽象的概念外;可以直接替客戶分析客戶一天工作的時間分配,具體解釋這個產品可以讓客戶哪些工作流程更順利、進而改善客戶工作的壓力等,提升話語的說服力。 ---- Selling products, in addition to training communication, questioning and other skills, can also make good use of psychological knowledge to promote user consumption through special actions or hints. In response, Derin Cag, the founder and CEO of the business analysis website "Richtopia", compiled four examples of the use of psychological techniques to increase business sales, so that readers can better understand the mysteries of psychology and sales techniques. I. Use real numbers to strengthen credibility Here are the titles of the two online articles, guess what: which article gets the most traffic? (1) Share weight loss tips! The secret to losing 5 kg in 30 days! (2) Sharing weight loss tips! The secret to losing 5 kg in 31 days! Rational analysis, most people would guess that the first headline has a higher number of clicks, because the title has fewer "30 days" days, which seems to be more effective in weight loss techniques. However, the actual results show that the second post has a high number of clicks because users think that the "31 days" of the second title feels more real and worthy of trust. Analyzing the results of the research, we can know that when designing ad copy or article titles, "specific and authentic" numbers will attract users more than rough numbers. It is a noteworthy aspect when salespeople and customers report or brief. one. 2. "Eat a loss" makes the other party more willing to give The so-called "there is no gain". To get benefits and help from customers, the salesperson must pay first; care about customers, observe the needs of the other party, and give them the help they need. When the customer feels the intention of the salesperson, he will intuitively think that he "owes the other party" and is willing to give back the salesperson within his ability. And the salesperson takes care of the customer, can also create a good image for himself and build a good reputation. Derin Cag especially emphasized: Don't expect the customer's return when paying, but don't be a "good person." Most customers feel the heart of the salesperson and are willing to give back; but not everyone is willing to give for others. If the customer is unmoved, the salesman must not pay hard, and must measure the boundaries of his ability. Inspire curiosity with "beginning and results" When a salesperson shares a case or related story that helped other customers in the past, he can first say the "beginning and result" of the incident, increase the customer's interest and curiosity; then explain the intermediate process further. Use "beginning" to first introduce the background of the event, and then directly describe the "end" of the event; it can stimulate the curiosity of the conversation subject; full of interest in the "process". Conversely, if the salesperson simply describes an event in a straightforward manner; the customer may lose interest or focus during the description process, resulting in reduced communication effectiveness. Fourth, use "situational discussion" to increase the appeal When the salesperson and the customer emphasize the related effects of the product or service, they can try to use the "contextual discussion" method to apply the situation to explain and present the final result, and strengthen the customer's feeling and identity. For example, if a product can improve the time efficiency of work for customers, in addition to emphasizing abstract concepts such as "time is precious, you need to cherish it"; you can directly analyze the customer's work time allocation for the customer, specifically Explain which products can make customers work more smoothly, and then improve the pressure of customers' work, etc., and improve the persuasiveness of discourse.

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